Wednesday 13 September 2017


Good morning friends

This is the view from my house this morning at 7.15am the lovely sun about to rise. We have had an exceptional hot summer this year and even yesterday the temperature in the sun was 38C. It certainly drains you so hence no desk last week.

This is my desk today one cat taking most of it, so I am working on my ironing board. haha and this is all I have to show.

Two Christmas bibs - the one on the left is a new design, just wish I had a baby to try it out on. Very simple with an elastic piece to go over the head.

I will try and get round to visiting you all but can make no promises because I have applied for fibre optic internet comes with complete package of mobiles, landline, mobiles and television and they are supposed to be coming today to install, but this is Spain manana as they say here could mean anytime in the next few weeks.

Have a good week and now to link with Julia our host for WOYWW


  1. Happy WOYWW. I think we have had a particularly 'less than hot' summer in Pembrokeshire this year. I remember a couple of weeks back in June when it was warm enough to wear shorts - but that is a distant memory. The heating is on, planning on lighting the fire later and winter socks are being worn right now. We are off to Spain for a week at the beginning of October. Northern Costa Blanca this time - an area we have not been to yet, but I think it may be the area we buy a property in (looks perfect for hubby's cycling, plus the scenery that we both love and lifestyle - great shopping, food, wine ...). That will be a small apartment to start with, just for regular holidays - but hoping to settle permanently once hubby is no longer tied up with the farm business. I am just looking forward to some warmth - so much needed after a stressful few months. Hope your new internet etc etc is successfully installed soon. Ali x #7

  2. hope the internet and other bits get installed today!! the bibs look great. Helen #1

  3. I fell out with you when you mentioned hot summer - the green eyed monster crept in. We haven't had a summer in Lancashire UK. and now winter looks to have set in.
    I do like the bibs though haha. Which ties in with the apron over on my desk
    Lynn x 9

  4. Morning Ani. Well, your cat certainly knows how to live with the heat!! I do hope your new internet, tv, etc., all get sorted quickly and easily for you. Great bibs!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  5. Hi Ani, Spain sounds a bit like Greece, timewise. Stuff happens there eventually!Your cat looks very comfy in his spot on the desk. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  6. Ha, great shot..I suspect that the cat looks like you feel after a hot day of doing! Good luck and patience for the Internet thing, lets hope it all happens quickly and you can enjoy being surprised!

  7. Great bibs! I've only ever made any with Velcro tabs. I couldn't have survived the temps you've been having this summer, anything above 26 is too hot for me!! Good luck with the Interwebs, hope it goes smoothly.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  8. Love the bibs, the new design certainly means baby would be well covered up. I can't imagine how hot it's been! Good luck with the new broadband installation. Sarah #26

  9. Your kitty looks exhausted from the heat! True cat lover to not kick him off the desk so you can use it! I love the size of that big bib - should cover most of the baby! Have a great week, thanks for sharing, Lindart #31

  10. Poor wee fur face he does look tired I expect its all that heat... Bibs are looking fantastic... Keep Cool if that's possible... May #15

  11. Ooh that is a bit on the hot side! The Christmas bibs look cute! Have a lovely week, Heather #30

  12. You are forgiven for not crafting, I cannot stand it when it's too hot so I fully understand. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x16x

  13. Like the bibs and like the idea of the elastic too. To be honest it is me counting the "sleeps" before my son goes to uni. We never used this when he was a child and he doesn't know I am now LOL. Thanks for the visit. BJ#8
