Wednesday 10 May 2017

WOYWW 414 10th May

Where on earth did this week go to?
Nothing on my work desk this week as it turned into a hectic week probably because I was without a car the previous week and had a number of visits etc. So my desk looks the same as last week but I have cleared all the tapestry wool away.

This weeks project when I had a spare few minutes sit down. It is a drop stitch scarf knitted in variegated wool obtained from one of our many local Chinese shops. I am wondering about the length, have read that it should be a least the height of the person, so with this in mind only another 6 inches to go, then I will fringe it. Love the way the colours have turned out.


Promise I will have something more exciting to show you next week as at present I have a free week, but then it is only Wednesday.

So to finish my faithful companion QC asleep by my side on the computer desk.

Now to link up with other deskers at Stamping-ground hosted by Julia.


  1. loving that scarf!! Helen #2

  2. Wish I could sleep as soundly as QC seems to be doing.
    That scarf is beautiful, what a lovely pattern and what gorgeous colourways - is it a requirement that it measures so much to be an authentic Chinese scarf?
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  3. That is a lovely scarf. it sounds as though it will be quite a long one! Have a lovely day. Anne x #17

  4. Aww... pretty little purrfect kitty :)
    I LOVE the scarf - very stylish with the 'ombre' monochromatic colouring.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Bubbles (PatchworkApples) #13

  5. What a lovely ombre effect with the variegated wool. I like never knowing how things are going to turn out with that kind of wool. Sarah #25

  6. Hi Ani, love the pic of QC, he looks very comfy. The scarf is gorgeous, looks so light and delicate. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxXx

  7. Loving the transition in those colours! QC looks so cushy and content - that's what I love about cats - you can't help but feel relaxed in their presence when they're like that! The best medicine against anxiety. I love to listen to Oreo purr with my head on his tummy - luckily he purrs on demand LOL! Wishing you a happy week! zsuzsa #26

  8. Im playing catch up after my fun morning with little Theo.....he's a real pleasure to look after. He left after lunch and since then I've had to catch up with urgently needed sewing so am rather late joining in today.
    Love your scarf. In reply to your comment on my blog today....yes I've seen the Pom Pom mats on Pinterest but doubt I will tackle anything as big just yet 😀
    Hope you have a good week.
    Annie x #5

  9. Hi Ani. That scarf is just lovely. Well done.
    No post from me this week. Been out all day with a friend in Bodnant gardens. Glorious!
    Take care. God bless.

  10. Super stitch on the scarf. BJ#21

  11. A week without a car will cause you to need to catch up for sure! I really like the variegated wool you chose, it really is pretty, specially in that drop stitch. Hope your week remains quiet!

  12. Such a pretty knit! That pattern must be fun to knit. QC is precious. Just look at those cute paws!
    Rose of Rose's Art Garden

  13. lovely knitting- sweet kitties!
    Robyn 3

  14. Looks exciting to me! Love it. Loving your kitty too. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x16x

  15. Hi Ani,

    The scarf is lovely.

    Your cat is adorable.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  16. Hi Ani, so love the scarf - the colours are beautiful. And so envy you your wee companion, QC. It's a year since I lost Bonnie, The Boss, but I miss her sitting on my desk beside me. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #11

  17. Gorgeous scarf - I wish I had it right now - I'm freezing! That would be so nice draped around my shoulders right now! Sorry I'm so late this week! QC is so adorable! Lindart#37

  18. D'awwww, what a gorgeous puss cat! That made me smile seeing him sprawled out on the desk 😊 That stitch looks interesting, it has a good appearance with the yarn....some aren't worth the hassle but that is really nice!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx
