Wednesday 4 January 2017

WOYWW 396 4th January 2017

Good morning Wednesday deskers.
I honestly don't know where the days go to hardly seems a week since I was here, must prove something - I put it down to having a busy life style.

My desk this morning is all tidy ready to start the new year productions, the trouble is I have so much other stuff to do my desk is taking not even second place but probably tenth place.

On the other hand I have started a little sorting of my wool stash, but not got very far.
Notice the Christmas lights up the stairs still flashing, must make a start at taking down decorations and tree, wish I could keep the lights up though, love to see them twinkling. Maybe will keep them until this weekend as it is Three Kings
on Friday, here in Spain it is celebrated as the children receive presents. After all it was the Three Kings that brought the gifts to Jesus.

We are having some lovely sunrises at the moment, this photo is not great as the sun was a pure red ball, but I did try my best to capture the moment, you have to be quick as the sun appears on the horizon and within a minute or so it is high in the sky. Camera always at the ready.

Hope you all have a great week.


  1. Hi Ani, sorting and tidying seems to be everyones occupation this week! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xx

  2. I am trying to reorganize but I will never reach the tidy you have attained. Have a crafty year.
    Monica 34

  3. Trusting 2017 will be a very precious year for you Ani. Oh, the tidiness of your desk is just incredible - mine is nowhere near as neat. Think it is unlikely it ever will be. I admit to smiling at the pile of yarn - one of my to-do tasks this year is to reduce my yarn mountain!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. Happy New Year. It always looks so gloomy once the lights are down doesn't it, so if you have an excuse I'd definitely leave them up a bit longer. Ours came down on Monday and I'm missing their cheerfulness.
    Hugs Lisax #38

  5. Such a clean desk I am sooo jealous!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #8

  6. I have never heard of Three Kings Day! Makes sense! I hope you get your stash of wool sorted, then it will become usable and you will make wonderful things from it! Happy New Year! Lindart #37

  7. Thanks for your visit earlier, I keep reminding myself that it will look good by the Summer ...
    Love the idea of having the Feast of the Epiphany as a gifting day.
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  8. I have lights up permanently in the conservatory, can't tell you how happy they make me! We've been in Spain for a couple of Tres Reyes festivals, I do love it. Good luck with getting to your desk, it will feel great when you finally get the other things out of the way!

  9. I say keep your lights if they make you happy.. lights don't just have to be for Christmas:)
    Happy New Year
    Erika #27

  10. My tree is still up. I think I will leave it up until next weekend cause I love the lights too.
    April #37

  11. I'd forgotten that Epiphany was such a big thing in Europe, hope all the festivities go well! You're doing a grand job sorting your yarn stash, that's something I'll be doing next week as we heard about our moving date today (23/24th Jan) so I shall have other things taking up my time!
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xxx

  12. I love all the lights and celebrations for Epiphany! We have always left lights up till after Three Kings Day, I usually make a cake but this year I don't think it is getting done cause I have a head cold and don't want to bother. I need to do some more sorting. It is an on going thing isn't it! Happy New Year! Vickie #12
