Wednesday 20 July 2016


Good morning all, well this is what is on my desk this morning absolutely nothing.

All is packed away as I go to the UK tomorrow to see my son through his last weeks of radiotherapy and to take my grandson away for a very long weekend so my son and his wife can have some time together.
I shall be taking the multi coloured blanket I am crocheting for my grandson with me as have just the borders to finish now, so you will be getting a photo of the finished item probably along with my grandson modelling it. who knows!
So I will say goodbye for the present but will still be reading your Wednesday comments tablet permitting.


  1. Morning Ani. I do trust your visit over here will be a good and precious time. Praying for you all as a family at this time.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  2. Hope all does well for your son and I will put you in my prayers. Weathers a bit Spanish at the mo - hope it cools down. Have a nice time with your grandson x Jackie 18

  3. How neat! Safe trip. Look forward to seeing the blanket. Elaine no. 15

    1. Just have to find room in my suitcase for the blanket

  4. Hi Ani, first off, have a safe trip. Second, my heartfelt best wishes to your son, if you've been a reader of my blog, you'll know I've been there, and done that. Don't know how long your son has been having this, mine was 5 days a week for 5 weeks. I know he & his wife will appreciate the time just to be together, it must be very hard with a child to care for too. Sending you all much love and best wishes. Shaz #3 xx

    1. He's had three lots of chemo now it is radiotherapy five days a week for six weeks with chemo one day a week. thank you for your wishes.

  5. Have a safe trip. I hope all goes well with your son. He is so lucky to have such a supportive Mum. I bet he and his wife really appreciate your help!

    Sharon K #37

    1. I do what I can but it is difficult when you live in another country but I try to do my best.

  6. How wonderful that you are giving your son a break. I've had radiotherapy and it is many weeks of going to the hospial daily. A real drag and it takes over your life (and makes you feel exhausted). I can't imagine having a little one around when I am feeling like that.
    Looking forward to seeing the blanket (and its new owner).
    Have a safe trip,

    1. Don't worry Lisca there is bound to be some photos. Haven't received any cards yet but two of the five I sent have arrived at their destinations - one Germany and the other USA.

  7. Hope everything goes well with the trip. I love your desk it's just so clean and tidy but probably wont stay that way for long when you get back. Have a great woyww, Angela x 19

  8. hope the trip goes well and your son's treatment successful. Helen #4

  9. i hope you have a lovely time with your grandson, and that your son's treatment goes well. Lea #50

  10. God Bless your family during this time. have a blessed day, donna #41

  11. That is one tidy desk have a fun trip hugs Nikki 1

  12. Happy Belated WOYWW. Best wishes to your son and family. Enjoy your trip with your grandson. Ali x #30

  13. If that isn't the best reason for a tidy desk.....hope your travels are safe. It will be wonderful to spend time with your lovelies. I wonder where in the country you are?
