Wednesday 1 June 2016


Hello all,
I am now back in sunny Spain but my work desk still remains empty. I can show you what is on my knee this week though.
It is the beginning of my crochet blanket for my bed, different shades of pinks and lilacs. I bought the wool in the UK as Spain doesn't have double knitting wool as we know it. I am trying to crochet three colours a day but this may drop to two as the weather here gets hotter.

As I started this while in the UK my 11 year old grandson was intrigued with it and said he would like one also but in the colours of the rainbow, but when I said that would be 7 colours  no he wanted more. so we finished up with all these colours.

So watch this space as to how this progresses.

My son has completed his second round of chemo and begins the third on 8th June, he remains positive and we can only hope and pray for a recovery. His main test will come in July when he has chemo and radiotherapy together. I shall be there to support him, his partner and son through this terrible time. 

It is lovely to be back in Spain and feel the warmth of the sunshine.


  1. What a terrible time you and your family are going through...your son (and you) must be very strong people. Sending thoughts and hugs your way.
    I love both colour ways for your blankets - the pink is very pretty but your Grandson's enthusiasm for all those colours made me smile!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

    1. We have been through this before my husband died of cancer, we like to think we are strong but there is always that weak side in us.
      We all have to stay strong for my son and also his son - my grandson who is only 11 years old.

  2. I'll be thinking of your son and family. Please keep us updated.

    I love all those colours your grandson picked. Love the purples too - one of my favourite colours.

    Take care
    Sharon K #5

  3. Hello Ani. I'm so glad you have been able to return to Spain for a time. I trust you have all known the love of your Heavenly Father as you watched your son go through chemo. I do trust all will go well when you return here to Britain for the next round.
    The colours in those blankets are beautiful - love the rainbow... one of God's promises!!
    Take care, dear sister. God bless and keep you.
    Margaret #15

  4. Wonderful rainbow colors. They evoke child exciting after raining.
