Wednesday 18 May 2016


Sorry ladies but nothing on my desk today as I am in the UK supporting my son who has been diagnosed with cancer. He starts his 2nd round of chemo today so I have been left in charge of my 11year old grandson.
However I have taken the opportunity to purchase some wool (far superior quality here in the UK than Spain) and have started crocheting a cover for my bed

Now to see if I can link up via my mobile phone. Hahaha.


  1. Hello Ani, it's Lunch Lady Jan here - I see you've been having a spot of bother trying to link up and couldn't find your email to message you. I'm going to edit your links that are blank, leaving you with just the one that works. Thanks for joining in this week - goodness, I hope your son will be ok. I crochet in times of stress too.
    Take care,
    LLJ xxx

  2. So sorry to hear about your son. I wish he will get better soon and I hope you´ll have a great time with
    your grandson while in UK.
    Blessing thoughts!
    Sussie nr 16

  3. Hi Ani, shocked to read about your son. I do hope that the chemo goes well, from personal experience mine wasn't too bad,so I hope his isn't too gruelling. Hugs, Shaz #2 xx

  4. Sorry to hear the news about your son. Hope everything goes well. It's great that you can support him as it will help immensely.

    Sharon K #45

  5. Hello Ani. It is a difficult time for you al at the moment. I know Father God is there with you in all that is happening - we, too, are going through similar with one of our grandsons. He has been diagnosed with a melanoma in the back of his left eye.
    May you know that peace which passes all understanding as you stay with your family and have to watch you son go through this. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
    God bless you, dear sister in Christ. Take care.
    Margaret #5

  6. Sending caring blessings and healing prayers for your son. Enjoy the good yarn.Creative Blessings! Kelly #51

  7. Sorry to hear your news, bet he's pleased that you are there to support. Take care, Angela xXx20

  8. So sorry to hear your news. Sending loving thoughts and my prayers to a fellow Mancunian and her family at this terrible time.
    Neet (not strictly Mancunian but close enough)

  9. Thank you for all your thoughts and blessings, it is truly a lonely time especially walking down the corridors of the Christie hospital in Manchester when it brings back so many memories of when my husband was in there. I will finish my pink blanket and the one for my grandson and it will be a memory of this time. ANN xx
