Wednesday 8 June 2016


I am determined to post my WOYWW early this Wednesday so am writing this on Tuesday evening! The same things will be on my desk Wednesday morning as I have finished for this evening and tomorrow morning I go to my sewing group at 10.00am
Saturday I went to a local fair here in Spain and was really disappointed with the second hand stuff available on the stalls, made me think back to my craft fair days. So hence the sewing on the desk this week.
Yes this is my very old reliable industrial Singer sewing machine and I am making aprons for adults and children in childrens material and Christmas material. Have set a target of three a day, with the end result having enough stock to fill a stall nearer Christmas not just with aprons but other handmade objects.

On the right is the selection so far.

I have not forsaken the  crocheting, but it is getting a little warm for crocheting a double ply blanket on your knee. Think today has been the hottest of the year so far, my car did show 35C when I got in earlier.

Thought you might like to see what I woke up to the other morning.

On the floor is a dead rat, body bottom left and head top right. with the two killers on the other side of the doors. I have a cat flap so during the night they had brought it indoors. Yuk.

'Me the killer never'

This is the cat that has been renamed 'the follower' since my lab died two years ago she follows me everywhere and is always sat on my desk if she can't find a space she will make one,

I finish with thanks for all your good wishes for my son, he goes back into the Christie hospital in Manchester tomorrow for his third round of chemo, He remains very positive and I shall be going back to the UK again in July.
Ani xx


  1. Wow to the aprons! Eeeew.. to the rat.. AAAw to the cat and 'blessings' to your son in his battle. Elaine no. 20!

    1. Exactly eeew to the rat not very nice to wake up to in the morning.

    2. I have dogs... so no dead rodents for me I'm glad to say!LOL

  2. Gorgeous aprons, love them. That's cats for you and of course they would want you to share in their prize Lol! Have a crafty and very happy WOYWW, Angela xXx 26

    1. Thanks Angela yes you have cats that's what you get.

  3. Wow, what a blast of bright and beautiful colour on your desk this morning!! I love the fabrics you've been using - well done for getting ahead for the stall, I'm sure they'll go well.
    I laughed in recognition of the cat killer - ours have always caught a lot of mice (I live in the countryside) but the most interesting was the head of a Horseshoe body, just the head. Sigh....
    I'm sending you and your son hugs and positive vibes...a determined attitude really helps.
    HUgs, LLJ xxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs feel as though I need them sometimes. When I'm down cuddle the cat, but not when they bring me pressies.

  4. Hi Ani, first off, lots of good vibes to your son, been there, done that! Tell him to stay strong, and believe that 'it's beaten, it just doesn't know it yet'! A positive attitude really is everything in this horrible game. Your 'cat killer' story did make me laugh, sorry. When we first had out two black cats, must be nearly 16 years ago now, they too went out through the cat flap, caught and killed a blackbird. Then brought it indoors, and being only just out of their kitten phase, spent most of the night playing with it. Picture the scene- I came downstairs one morning- it was winter, so dark, and we have an old Victorian house, with a door at the bottom of the stairs, so I opened the door, and back then we had to go across the room to turn on the light. I trod on something wet- yes, I was barefoot- and assumed they'd brought in a worm, or maybe a slug stuck to their fur. When I turned on the light, it looked like an abattoir! There was blood, gore and feathers everywhere. Literally. I was finding little black feathers for months. And I only realised it was a blackbird, because during the initial cleanup, I found the beak! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xx

    1. Thank you Shaz for your thoughts. When my cats were younger I had to put a hook on the cat flap so they could only get out and not back in because they used to bring all sorts back home and like you I was chasing feathers for months. I need these things to happen at the present to show me life goes on.

  5. Wow! Lovely aprons! Three a day until Christmas is an awful lot of aprons. I shall come and have a look at the Christmas market when the time comes. We have a car boot sale every Sunday morning, started by the English that lived here years ago (this is horse country), they have mostly gone back to the UK, but the Spaniards are continuing the market (with one or two English stalls). I don't get to go very often as we go to church on Sunday morning and it is not in the same direction...
    I'm sending you best wishes for your son. I've been through it and he must be fed up it being the third round, but tell him to hang on!
    I smiled at the offering on the floor. Our cat plays with whatever he finds. That comes across as being so cruel. He has not learnt how to use a cat flap. We have one but he just comes in through the terrace door. At night he usually stays in and sleeps on our bed. If he hasn't come back by the time we go to bed, then he'll have to spend the night out (which cats don't mind at all, so we don't worry).
    Happy WOYWW,

    1. I did say 3 a day was my aim but I will be going back to the UK for quite a period of time shortly so there will be no sewing then. I miss out on a lot of fairs because here in Mojacar they are on Sunday mornings same time as church. This was more like a table top sale with the proceeds of the stall rental going to the Anglican church. Cats will be cats and they are bred to hunt, just wish they wouldn't bring their trophies home to me. I believe you know Kate we belong to the same Anglican church, I in Mojacar and Kate at Llanos. Ann

  6. Love the colors of your aprons! Your cats are adorable. They were just bringing you a present. I think I'd rather have flowers or jewelry.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #2

  7. Lovely aprons. So handy too - could really use one. I make such a mess in the kitchen! Glad to hear the news about your son.

    The cat thing....shudder...our cat has caught a mouse or two in his time. He does the same thing to them. It's a game to him. If they are presents, he can keep them!

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #4

  8. Love those aprons! The colours are so beautiful.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #46
