Wednesday 8 June 2022

WOYWW 679 8th June

 Well summer has come with high temperatures and forecast even higher towards the weekend. It is our Moors and Christians fiesta this weekend so there will be a fair number of tourist around. I will not be going to see the parades, it is a case of been there, done that and got the teeshirt. Don't think I will be even going out. 

I don't mind staying at home as I have always something to do like knitting, sewing, gardening or even housework. Heaven forbid!

         These are two of my hibiscus bushes can't remember where the orange one came from but the red one was given to me over 22years ago when I came to live here,

This iceberg rose came with me from the UK.

I have been doing little crafting only knitting some more 'teddies for tragedies'. My stash I had were delivered to a local bar and have arrived in Ukraine, I did see some children on TV been given some teddies. It is a great way of using odd bits of wool and the pattern is so simple even I can remember it!.

Two weeks ago I went to renew my driving licence, here we have to go to a specialised medical doctor who is appointed for driving licence renewals. My bp was so high he sent me straight to my doctors and was treated with tablets under tongue etc, I had to go back next day for more tests. Eventually last thursday I was granted my licence. Now I just have to get my 15 year old car through its ITV (MOT) later this month. 

I trust you all enjoyed your jubilee weekend, not a great deal of celebrations from the Brits here in Spain but I did wear my hat at a Fish and Chip lunch last Friday. I was the only one but who cares!


Think this sums up the whole weekend.

I am writing this Tuesday evening as tomorrow is my knit & natter group and afterwards we have our summer lunch so won't be home til late afternoon. Each week we put 1€ in the pot and this pays for a summer lunch and a christmas lunch.


  1. Have fun at your knit and natter group Ani. Glad the blood pressure is coming down with treatment. Best of luck with the car too. Love HM and Paddington! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Your hibiscus and rose bushes are just beautiful -looks like they are thriving there with you! Enjoy your knit and natter lunch. Happy WOYWW stay safe from the heat. Helen #3

  3. Goood morning Ani πŸ€— your hibiscus and your rose bush are breathtaking 🌼🌹what a riot of colour they are in bloom πŸ’•Your teddies are going to be so loved by the littlies receiving them πŸ€— Thank goodness you got medication for your bp,please take care. Here's to yuur car sailing through it's MOT πŸ™ I am looooving your hat πŸ‘’ you would be the envy of many! Tooo the last photo that truly sums it up,loving πŸ₯°⭐πŸ’• Wishing you a beautiful week ahead with love and hugs, take care Tracy #11 xxx

  4. Oh ANI, the flower bushes are beautiful. We've seen Lilacs on our drives away. This is the first place I've lived I don't have Lilacs, I love their smell. Same with Peonies. they always bloom around our Memorial day. Beautiful pinks. The little photo at the end just warms my heart ! Grand Lady with grand son...nothing more precious. Have a great week.

  5. Hi Ani, beautiful flowers and they are doing so well. I saw the painting of the queen with Paddington it's so sweet. I actually think that getting tested by a doctor before renewing your driving license sound like a very sensible idea and it worked for you as the problem was identified and sorted which is good. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  6. Lovely flowery tree! Hope your Knit and Natter was fab too (I miss mine but do meet up with a smaller subset who are all vulnerable so we know each is being super careful :D) and oh my, that last image of The Queen and Paddington is so sweet. Hope your BP gets sorted and your car passes. Happy WOYWW to you!
    Mary Anne (4)

  7. Your renewals are even more stringent than ours in the states. LOVED the painting you did of the Queen. Glad you got to see and celebrate some of the jubilee.

    I wanted to let everyone know, I am the most unlucky person on WOYWW today. After linking, I was kicked offline due to an electricity outage. When it came back on, I saw my entire city is now required to boil water for the next 24 hours due to a water main break. I wanted to quickly explain so everyone didn't think I had forgotten to visit. Storms still raging overhead, so I am copying and pasting this part of the message in case I get caught offline again. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  8. Beautiful hibiscus and roses Ani. Your knitted bears look lovely- what a good use of your stash. The medical exam of your driving test renewals is a good idea. We should do that in the UK.
    Hope you enjoyed your knitting group
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 19

  9. love the roses . and the knitting is lovely. love the knitting
    take care and stay safe, Lilian B #17

  10. Wow, love your flowers especially the roses, they’re amazing! I know what you mean about avoiding the town in tourism high season, we don’t go to our beach either. I’m glad they got your BP sorted, just as well you found out really!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  11. A lovely read, Ani!
    I particularly liked the pic of the Queen with Paddington. My niece sent me the video but it wouldn't open here in Australia.
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #16

  12. Iceberg is always such a good doer isn't it? Mine is flowering it's socks off right now. Good news they caught your BP issue Ani, although even with tablets mine seems high whenever its tested at the GPs! Love that Jubilee pic - saw a tweet from the young artist responsible, she has been inundated with requests for copies since she posted it online and is blown away by the response. Good luck to her. I even heard someone has suggested it should be a postage stamp now wouldn't that be great! Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy #22

  13. Julia:
    Oh I can’t choose between the beauty of the hibiscus and the rose. It’s an ironic name for a rose that’s flourishing in the Spanish heat! Quite lovely, I bet it makes you smile every time you see it! O gosh though, your BP! a I hope the tablets and things have made you feel a little better, and I hope the same for the car on ITV day! The lovely teddies look totally unfamiliar when they’re just knitted otters, how remarkable that they make up to be such a recognisable shape. Keep calm, watch the BP and take care in the heat Missus!
