Wednesday 20 October 2021


 I am still at my daughter's and crafting is taking place. Most of the cards are now coloured and layered. It is so pleasant to be able to sit crafting on her veranda and not have to break off to prepare meals. Pictures will follow when I set my table up. Becoming good at using a mobile a little different from my big screen desktop.

And my new companion when I'm crafting. 

I have a number of knitted items for charity and as postage from Spain is so expensive my daughter has offered to take them back with her. I am looking for charities in the Winchester, Ipswich or Edinburgh areas where she can drop them off.

The items are hats, scarves, blankets etc and teddies for Tragedies. If anyone knows of somewhere I would be very grateful.

That is me for this week now to try to link up hope I am more successful than last week. 


  1. What a beautiful cat. Love your coloured images, especially good old Charlie Brown! Have a great week Angela #10

  2. SOrry I can't help with ideas on the charity front Ani. Love your grandkitty - such a cutie. Enjoy the rest of your stay. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  3. I hope you find some charities you can support; not my areas so I'm no help! Glad you are enjoying the crafty time at your daughter's and no cooking either!! Happy WOUWW Helen #1

  4. Loving your kitty friend. Your cards look good and you've obviously been having fun sharing your crafting time together. Enjoy the rest of your time together. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x12x

  5. So glad you're having a good time with your daughter and able to relax a bit from thinking about meals - I do think about meals an awful lot of the time lol! Your cards are lovely. What a pretty kitty helping you with your crafting.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  6. Oh, Charlie Brown! That takes me right back to my childhood days. Your crafting buddy is quite sweet, and sorry can't help on the Charity front - too far away from your target areas. Enjoy your time with your daughter. Lucky you.

    Happy WOYWW, a little late but all jabbed!
    Mary Anne (2)

  7. Gorgeous colouring and I love your sweet crafting companion. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Love & God Bless, Caro xxx

  8. Love the colouring well done, and Such a lovely cat,

    Take care and stay safe, Lilian B # 18
