Wednesday 14 April 2021

WOYWW 619 14th April 2021

 Guess what, I'm actually due to get my covid jab on Friday morning, have to go to a nearby town for it though. Apparently it is all done by drive-through. Wind your window down, jab in the arm, wait 15 minutes and away you go. My next one will be 7th May.

Again not much crafting done over the last two weeks, my table contains a jigsaw not the easiest one I've attempted. 

Some other items I have been making to use up some of my wool stash are these 'Teddies for Tragedies'. 

Noticed my amaryllis hasn't done well this year think it will need dividing and repotting after flowering.


2020This was last year quite a difference!

Perhaps it's felt the effects of lockdown.

At least my jasmine is beginning to flower, I have four of these plants, they have been in bud for about a week but think the weather has been to cold for them to flower before.

So that has been my week coffee and lunches out with friends, some knitting, some gardening. 

We are still confined to our regions so have yet to go and see how my daughter and her husband have settled in. One upset they have had, they brought their 18 year old cat with them from the UK and 10 days ago it went missing and no sign of it. 

Now to link up with Julia and the rest of the WOYWW crowd at

Hope all of you in the UK enjoy your freedom, but please stay safe.


  1. Glad you are gettingyour jab this week, and a nice quick date for your second - we have to wait 12 weeks here so mine is June. Such a shame you've not been able to visit your daughter yet, and how sad her cat is missing. Helen #2

  2. Glad you are finally getting your jab Ani. Hope you will be able to visit your daughter soon. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. Morning Annie! Very sorry to read about the cat, just adds to the frustration of not being able to visit yet, huh. Still, all for good reason, I’m glad that you’re able to get out and socialise a bit, as the weather improves it makes a world of difference doesn’t it. We had drive in flu jabs last year, terrifically well organised, really pleased to hear that you’ve got your two appointments, that’s such positive news. Think the jigsaw may well be a bit slow, but my word, it is a magnificent picture isn’t it, one of my all time favourites. I haven’t heard of teddies for tragedies before, but what a great idea, and how sweet a crowd you’ve made! The jasmine looks wonderful, so healthy and lush. Wonderful that it’s starting to flower, it’s so satisfying after looking after things all winter, isn’t it.

  4. Good news about the jab Annie, hope you get to see your daughter soon. That puzzle looks very difficult, but I do like the picture. My hubby has got really stuck on the one he's doing but I can't persuade him to give up and try another one. Stubborn, he'd rather bend my ear every day about how difficult it is. Glad you are getting out to see friends, have managed a couple of meet ups but not rushing to do much. As usual everyone here has gone nuts again, personally I can't see what pleasure there is in sitting outside a pub in the freezing cold. Love the Teddies, but it's sad they are needed. Sorry to hear about the missing cat (18 is a good age), hopefully it will turn up. Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

  5. Hi Ani, I hope the kitty turns up perhaps he's gone walk about to meet new friends well I hope so. Looks like you've been busy and good luck with the jigsaw. Loving the teddies, they're a great idea. Take care and have a lovely and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x17x

  6. I'll still be treating it as lockdown for a while yet, not too adventurous re shopping etc. Second vaccine on Tuesday next - 12 weeks one day after first - not good enough - and I had to ring to ask for it!!
    Oh so sorry about the cat, hope it returns safely. I feel for them.
    My word you have been busy.
    Hugs, Neet 4
    ps I doubt my room will stay tidy for next week LOL

  7. Sorry to hear about your daughter’s cat, I do hope it comes home soon. You must be glad to have your daughter living in the same country. Judging by the numbers of people they have shown on the television, that third wave of Covid is not far away and that infectious variant seems to be increasing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #9

  8. Those little teddies are fab and perfect for using up scraps! Hooray for getting a jab at last, it’s given us confidence that’s for sure, though we’re still not keen on going into crowded places. That’s sad about your daughter’s cat, hope it turns up, you never know...
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  9. Amaryllis, oh! don't worry, maybe some epson salts as its a bit yellow would help, or a re-pot with some fresh soil. Mine have been out all winter so have no leaves and only a tiny bit of green leaf showing, but they'll pick up soon! Love the teddies. My jab was in late feb, next one in May, not long to wait.Happy WOYWW((Lyn)) #21

  10. Good news about your jab, Annie. I’m still waiting for a date for my second one. So sorry to hear about your daughter’s cat. I hope it is found.
    Your teddies look great, such bright colours.
    I’m glad you can get out and meet friends. I’ve almost forgotten what that’s like.
    In theory we can now, outside, but it’s so cold that it is off putting. Maybe soon!
    Take care and happy WOYWW

  11. That sounds like an efficient way of getting the jab!
    Would love to do the jigsaw.
    Great little bears!
    Happy WOYWW
    Susan #26

  12. Oh goodness they must be beside themselves about their cat :-( The teddies are very cute but the jigsaw is a hard no I'm afraid! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

  13. Love your amaryllis. The teddies are cute, but the jigsaw looks like a nightmare! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  14. Hope all goes well with your shot.
    That is an amazing puzzle!
    And your amaryllis does look a bit sad.
    Hope you have a great week!
    Carol N #27

  15. PMG that puzzle would drive me MAD!Those teddies are super cute. I make similar, although I made a pattern for a "no-sew" version done in the round cause I hate the making-up part LOL! Actually late cause I had a friend over yesterday for a knit & natter sessions socially distanced in the garden (we have both been shielding forever) so today is WOYWW day for me :D Hope your jab goes well too.
    a day late, sorry
    Mary Anne (3)

  16. Adorable little bears, Ani, and your plants look fine. I'm sure the amaryllis will pick up with a bit of TLC! So sorry to hear that your daughter has lost her old kitty and I hope he turns up. 18 is a very good age.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18
