Wednesday 10 February 2021

WOYWW 610 10th Feb 2021

 Sorry for being absent last week but as some of you know my cat had an op to remove a lump from behind her ear. Thankfully all is well and she has the stitches removed on Friday. It is not easy travelling as the vet is in the next town and we are in lockdown in our municipalities. I now have a letter to say I can travel but only to the vets. This lockdown has now been extended until 25th Feb. 

So the reason you are here to see my desk. Well I still haven't got one as such my get up and go seems to have gone - where I do not know. I have all the time in the world stuck at home but this is all I can come up with this week. 

Looking through some bags I came across this UFO cushion cover so decided to finish it will see how far I get. The red bag in the left hand corner holds some tapestry wools along with remember 'the cross in my pocket'. 

I am up to the decrease of my first sleeve of the jumper I am knitting. Could have done with it these last few days, we have had a very cold wind but some sun. Needed sunglasses see next to Jan (LLJ) little bag that keeps all my scissors, pins, measures etc in. Very very useful. 

So that is me for this week but must show you this, our local wild life, after dark the wild boar have been coming down to the playa looking for food. Every since lockdown began last year they have been visiting the beach road making a mess of the grass verges. 

Now to link with our hostess Julia  


  1. OMG! Those boar! Hysterical, so orderly. I bet the do make a mess of the grass but the photo is fab. I love your colourful cushion cover. And congrats on getting to the end of your jumper. I finished one this week and wore it yesterday. As you say, it was welcome, in this frigid weather. Still the one from WOYWW a few weeks back to complete - it's my next task.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  2. Glad QC is recovering from her op OK Ani. That cushion cover looks lovely. Hope you get the knitting finished before the cold weather goes. Stay safe, Sarah #5

  3. Are the wild boar dangerous to humans? Just wondering.
    Love the knitting and everything else you are showing us this week.
    Hope your little puss gets better and stronger each day.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  4. I love the cushion cover, and it’s very very near to finished! I know what you mean about this feeling for not doing much, it’s a lockdown problem. If someone could give a definitive date (I know they can’t, this is just a theory) I would consider that a deadline to get so much stuff done. As it is, there’s always tomorrow...... so glad about pusscat, best result. As for the boar, well, who knew! I guess lockdown has prevented a lot of food waste and rubbish being carelessly disposed of, combined with not many peopled around and they probably feel very safe! abet the first time you saw the state of the grass you wondered what on earth had happened. They do look very ordered, don’t they!

  5. Goodness there must be something exciting along the edge of that path to create such a neat line of boars! I shall look forward to seeing the cushion cover completed - the colours are amazing. Definitely hugs all around today, Lisa-Jane #10

  6. The boar made me smile but they can be very destructive as they dig up the ground! The cushion cove is lovey and worthy of being finished off but I know what you mean about being a bit mojo-less at the moment. I’m glad the little bag is still be useful btw and that your puss cat is on the mend too.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  7. Love the pics of the wild boar. I live in Llandudno, North Wales, and we have made the news internationally since our herd of Kashmiri goats have taken over the town since lockdown. I finally had a gang of them in my garden this week, although they've been past quite regularly.

  8. Wow those boar ae big !! Glad your cat is ok take care Helen #2

  9. Ani, first let me address those piggies in the park, so to's a good thing that scene is not here in the states and particularly in my state of the south, because those little piggies would be on the fire pit by now!!!! LOL That's how we roll in the south! LOL Carnitas anyone???? LOL Anywho, it looks like your sleeve is coming along and your UFO cushion cover is so colorful!!! Hope you are staying warm and safe! Blessings, Felicia #30

  10. I love the cushion cover - such beautiful colours. The wild boar are fantastic! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#20)

  11. ahhh wild boar?! aren't they mean?? I'm glad your cat's surgery went well. the sweater sleeve is coming along nicely ~ Blessings on your projects, Love, Karen#28

  12. Pleased to hear that kitty is okay not sure about the wild boars though. We've been for the vaccination today and it went well, they were very organised and no queues so very relaxed too. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

  13. The wild boar are really cute. But I could guess they could chase you if they felt like it! The colours and pattern on your other make are very striking! Stay safe, keep crafting and a very happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#26

  14. What a great find the cushion cover was a timeless design. The wild boar made me smile but I can understand how annoying they may be, I know they can be very destructive. Glad to read kitty is on the mend. Stay safe Tracey #36

  15. Hi Ani. You are so nearly there with that cushion cover - it's not going to take long once your get up and go has got up and come back! Your jumper is looking good, too. Well done. That photo of the wild boar was incredible. We get the wild herd of goats coming down off the Great Orme... they add manure to everyone's gardens!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  16. Wow I wouldn’t want to meet those wild boar! Love that UFO cushion cover. Have a great week Angela #12

  17. Your UFO cushion is beautiful, Ani. That picture of the wild boar is quite extraordinary - I've never seen anything like it before. What magnificent creatures. Sorry to hear your kitty has had to have a lump removed and hope she recovers really quickly. Our old cat Beatrice had quite a deep lump on the back of her neck caused by an aluminium adjuvant in her innoculations, which could have turned malignant. It was quite a serious operation but she recovered very well. I got some lovely pictures of her looking really cute in a little prem baby dress compete with skirt - the smallest Mothercare could provide! Subsequently, our 2 current kitties were put in proper little body suits to stop them pulling out their stitches when they were spayed. Is your cat wearing the Cone of Doom/aka the Lampshade?

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  18. Love the colours of the Cushion, and so glad your cat is okay, The boar look as though they are scanning like for every bit of food lol

    Take care and stay safe, Lilian B #10

  19. That picture of the boars is amazing!
    Love the cushion colours - hope you get it finished!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Update on here in Victoria – we are in a snap lockdown again – hopefully only for a few days – but 5k limit, no visitors or gatherings, only leave the house for the 4 special reasons, only essential shops open…
    And the rainbow lorikeets are eating our peaches!
    Susan #22
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!
