Wednesday 12 August 2020

WOYWW 584 12th August 2020

 Good morning or should I say Good afternoon. I know I am late but this morning I had an appointment at the doctors at 8.00am for a full blood test. Everyones appointment are 8am and there can be as many as 40 people. I hit lucky this morning and was the second name called out. Afterwards I treated myself to breakfast, toast with tomato and tuna, and an iced coffee, plus mini croissants. All for 2.50€. 

Afterwards I drove to my sewing/knitting group this is the view taken from the bar we now meet in. That's my car on the left no parking charges here.

That's my work place for this Wednesday.

I haven't done much crafting these last two weeks as it has been so hot but have managed to sew a few blanket squares together and complete the edgings. A lady at the knitting group knitted most of the squares and I offered to sew them up, They will now be passed to the local dog and cats home as they are always asking for blankets.

Had to laugh at this one, I took the photo turned to switch computer on and when I turned round QC had claimed it.

No she didn't keep it - went in the bag with the rest of them.

Margaret (Glitter and Glue) I notice you crochet your squares together with a fancy stitch please can you tell me how you do it. I am not an experienced crocheter and am self taught.

I notice the page has been modified with a 'new post' button and other changes. This must be from the complaints they received.

Well now must link up with Julia our hostess for WOYWW at  then raid the fridge to see what's for lunch.


  1. Glad you got seen at the Dr's early - if it is anything like here it is not the day for hanging around in the heat!
    well done on stitching the blankets together

  2. Following your link did not result in anything (site cannot be reached) so I scrolled down for an old post and came via that. Just in case you don't get many comments you might try linking again.
    Love how your cat claimed the blanket, I would have had to keep it I am afraid. Good job sewing the squares together though - lovely for the home.
    Looks lovely where you meet up - do you get a nice breeze from the sea - wish I had one right now.
    hugs, neet 8 xx

  3. Managed to get here but the link isn't working properly. Not surprised you're not doing so much crafting, I don't like this heat and will be pleased when it does away. It must be great to be able to meet up again with your friends. Wishing you a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x16x

  4. Your breakfast looks delicious, tomato and tuna toast is different. We are home now from Spain, we have a few more days isolating. I am so glad we managed to go, we had a lovely holiday. The villa was quite a walk from the town, but I had my mobility scooter so I was happy. Angela #23

  5. I found you eventually Ann but your link isn't working on the current week. Looks like a lovely breakfast - too hot to do much crafting here as well though. QC looks so comfy on that blanket lol. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #9

  6. Looks perfect where you are - lovely treat after Drs and a crafting session with friends - fab! Your blankets look great and obviously just right for the job! xx Jo

  7. I think you’re right Ani, as they’re removing the option to use the old blogger interface at the end of this month, they’ve had to do some quick ‘repairs’!! Your choice of venue for Wednesdays has a gorgeous view. My word, I wouldn’t be able to resist a quick paddle on my way in and home! I gather its been ridiculously hot, so very impressed that you’ve been sewing up little blankets. I use a crochet stitch to put squares together, I’ll see if I can find the instructions, it was definitely a you Tube or Pinterests lesson!

  8. Hi Ani, what a glorious view you have for your meetings. That 'every appt the same time' brings back memories! Back in the day- 40+ years ago now,everyone got the same ante natal appointment- 1.30, so you got seen in the order you arrived. On top of which, this is back when Consultants were arrogant a$$holes, and turned up for clinic when they were ready, and not before! Wasn't at all unusual for the clinic to start at 2.00, or even 2.30. You could be there for 3,4 or more hours, for what usually turned out to be a 10 minute appointment, tops. Thank heavens those days are long gone, at least. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  9. I am sure all those little blankets will be much appreciated!!
    Lovely view from your craft venue!
    Sorry I am late getting around.
    Stay safe and keep well...
    Susan #13

  10. Sorry I'm late getting back to your blog to comment - just life, you know! Anyway, that breakfast looked YUM and I would have chosen that as well! Well done on sewing the squares together, I've been crocheting those too as anything else was just too hot. I see Julia's finding you some info, I was going to suggest YouTube videos as well, there's a few out there.
    Hugs |LLJ 1 xxx

  11. Your blankets are wonderful, and so is that view! ~ Love how the kitty claimed the blanket :)

  12. Oh, my mother used to knit the same squares. And so she made blankets out of them just like you. One I remember extra much is the one she made for my daughter's pram over thirty years ago ... Yours are great!
    Stay as healthy as you can and have a nice week.
    I really like this WOYWW and the opportunity to visit
    creative people in the blogosphere.
