Wednesday 18 December 2019


Good morning one and all.
Well this time next week Christmas dinner will have been cooked and eaten and our presents opened. Here in Spain it is Christmas eve when the family Christmas meal is eaten and small presents given saving the larger presents until 6th January after all the wise men brought the gifts to Jesus at Epipthany not Christmas day.
No boxing day here business as usual but holiday on 6th January.

So what's on my desk this morning well I have no desk as both tables have been cleared and put away. But that doesn't mean I haven't been crafting, have knitted two hats and have to finish some fingerless mitts for a couple of our homeless guys.
My Wednesday afternoon womens group have decided to make up a shoe box for the homeless guys, so my hat and mitts will go in there along with other goodies.

This is my Christmas poinsettia that I had many years ago as a small plant. After Christmas I planted it in the garden and this is the first year it will be in flower for Christmas. Must be because I transferred it to Morse and Kavvie's grave!

Well that is me hope you all have a good Christmas. Our sewing/knitting group are having their Christmas lunch after the session this morning no alcohol for me though as I will be driving.

Now to link with Julia 


  1. What a beautiful Poinsettia Ani. Hope you have a relaxing Christmas and a happy 2020. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  2. Your poinsettia looks fantastic flowering outside - I've never seen one other than in a pot!! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas Helen #7

  3. How lovely to have a Poinsettia in your garden. Wishing you the happiest Christmas. Anne X 9

  4. A wonderful display is your poinsettia, I remember seeing ones in Tenerife around Christmas such glorious blooms. I love the idea of the shoe boxes, it's so important to remember those not so fortunate as us this time of year. Enjoy your Christmas lunch today. Happy WoywW Tracey #5

  5. Morning Ani. Oh my - I have never seen a poinsettia out in the open! That's great. Well done. I love that you are all putting together a gift box of practical things for the guys - may God bless the givers as well as the receivers!
    Take care. God bless. Have a truly beautiful Christmas.
    Margaret #1

  6. So lovely to see an unforced and naturally grown Poinsettia...I remember a new year trip to Tenerife that blew me away because the poinsettias were just well, growing! Doesn’t the red flower look amazing against the white gravel, what a picture, it must make you smile every time you see it. Have a lovely time at the Christmas don’t need the alcohol to have a good time, I’ve never met a Desker who does!

  7. Hi Ani, how beautiful is that poinsettia, never seen one growing outdoors like that. Enjoy your Christmas party, Hope you have a lovely Christmas, Hugs, Shaz #2 X

  8. How wonderful that your poinsetta is going to bloom! Merry Christmas to you!
    Glenda #18

  9. Good work regarding the knits - it's great to be able to support others less fortunate than ourselves. I've never seen a poinsettia in the ground before, it looks amazing! I hope you enjoy your lunch today and have a wonderful Christmas!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  10. The Poinsettia is amazing. I'm not even very goos at growing them indoors never mind in the garden! Sending you big Christmas WOYWW hugs, Angela x13x

  11. Loving the knitted hats. The poinsettia is fantastic - what fun. Happy WOYWW. Hope you have a lovely Christmas. Caro x (#15)

  12. Happy belated WOYWDW and a very happy Christmas,

    love the knitted hats, I have knitted them in the past. Love the poinsttia not a thing that thrives in the UK

    Lilian B #28

  13. Hi Ani Sorry I am late visiting. I'm doing flying visits round desks, as I've been AWOL for so long and wanted to catch up and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Those hats look lovely - I can't knit so treated myself to two new ones! Have a lovely week Heather xx #31
