Wednesday 11 December 2019


Christmas is getting closer, and wait for it.... my table worktops have gone from this

to this

Yes all ready for the big day I know it is a little early but have many activities from now until the big day.

How about this taken five minutes ago we have some fantastic sunrises and sunsets.
And to finish off my bowl of porridge.

Haven't finished crafting altogether I am knitting some hats and mittens for some of the homeless guys we have in our little town. They have been here many years and are known by the community.
Now to link with Julian at


  1. Morning Ani. Hope you have a great Christmas (I can't believe it's 2 weeks today)! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Wow how neat and tidy are you! what a lovely thing to do, knitting for homeless people. happy WOYWW Helen #1

  3. That is a teat desk not sure I have ever seen mine that tidy.
    Well dome on knitting for the homeless people in your town,

    Lilian B #7

  4. Happy WOYWW. My crafty table is fairly tidy too, but currently has some boxes of presents waiting to be wrapped. We are going through some nasty winter storms here in West Wales and it seems to be dark/grey most of the time. I see pictures of Spain on social media and really wish we were out there. I could do with some blue skies and natural light. Off to have my porridge now! Ali x #15

  5. Wow - that's what I need to do ( see mess on my dining table at present :-) ) Love the sky photo. Anne X 17

  6. Hi Ani, great job getting everything tidied away! It's shoking, I think, that people can be homeless for so long, well done on knitting for them. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  7. Gosh Ani, am full of admiration for your forward planning empty surface would be a sight for sore eyes in this house, you must be, and if you aren’t, please allow yourself to be a bit smug!

  8. Wow, you're all ready and wrapped while I'm still creating more and more mess - in fact I'm just getting started! Enjoy your porridge and those amazing sunrises/sunsets! zsuzsa #19

  9. Well look at you! All organised, neat tidy and ready. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#11)

  10. Hi Ani, I love an organised person.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #6

  11. Hi Ani. Someone else all neat and tidy - I'm beginning to panic here!! The room looks good - I think you can now relax and enjoy all the other activities you have planned.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  12. Oh wow that's ultra tidy, well done. Time to sit back and enjoy I think. Wishing you a happy woyww, AngelA X13X

  13. Good for you with the empty table! My craft room is a mess! Happy WOYWW. Dorlene #24

  14. So businesslike!! We are still rushing around like headless chickens here.
    Have a good week
    Christine #28

  15. HI Ani, I am totally impressed that you have it all picked up and stashed away for the holidays ( early ) you go girl! :) ~Stacy #23
