Wednesday, 9 October 2019


Not a very successful or productive week, woke up on Friday with a sore throat, which is now a chesty cold and cough. Couldn't get my breath early Tuesday morning so made an online appointment for 9.50 to see the doctor she put me on the surgery's inhaler straight away and gave me pills. potions and two inhalers for a week. It is now 4.00am Wednesday morning and no way can I sleep so thought I would put the time to use and type this.
Can't take any photos as someone has borrowed my camera and it is in his bedroom!
Turning round from the computer to look at my workdesk it is pretty much the same as last week. still a dumping ground as no work has been done this week. I have tried to knit some angels for our church while I have been resting in the chair but that is about all.

Now to link with the WOYWW at Julia's


  1. I do hope you are feeling better soon Ann. It is horrible not being able to catch your breath. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Hope you feel better soon; sadly it is getting to that time of year for coughs and colds, but as Sarah says, not being able to catch your breath is nasty. Love the angels. Helen #2

  3. Morning Ani. Trust you start to feel better soon, and that the doctor's potions and pills kick in. Gorgeous little angels!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  4. Just stopping by to say hello! Fonda #9 I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sorry to hear you are unwell Ani, hope you soon feel much better. Your Angels are very sweet well done on still being creative whilst under the weather.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery Tracey #11 x

  6. Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, hope all the meds help and you get better really quickly. Meanwhile a little light crafting is just the ticket, the angles are very pretty.
    HUgs LLJ 5 xxx

  7. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are on the mend soon! Your little angels are so sweet. Keep up the good work!
    Glenda #10

  8. Hi Ani, sorry you are not feeling great, and I understand the breathng difficulties. Had to have a nebuliser at the docs myself last week.Also antibiotics and steroids. Love the angels, very pretty. Rest is the only way forward! Have better week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  9. Oh poor you, no sleep and feeling rotten too, no wonder nothing’s being done, I find the same, and it takes a while to get your oomph back. Hope you start to feel better now that the medicines have had time to kick in. So glad you went to the Dr as soon as you did. Those little angels are very cute, good for you - when I’m poorly I do absolutely nothing!

  10. I hope you feel better real soon, Love the Angels,
    Lilian B # 15

  11. Oh no. I hope you heal fast. That sounds very challenging. This is the time of year here that lost of cold germs make there rounds! I am off to get my flu shot next week since they are warning us that this year is going to be bad. I love your angels they are so lovely and the soft colors really make them special. Heal fast my friend and thanks for sharing especially when you don't feel well.
    Belinda #25

  12. You're here and that's all that matters. Hope you're feeling better soon. Love the angels they are so sweet. Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x14x

  13. Get Better soon. Love the angels! Happy WOYWW. Love & God Bless, Caro xx (#8)

  14. Sounds like you've had a rough time of it so I wish you a speedy recovery. The little angels are cute. Have a better week. Elizabeth x #20

  15. Hi Ani, nice cute Angels! Hope you feel better soon. Have a lovely week Heather x #28

  16. Wow, take care of yourself. Dorlene #27

  17. Love the angels! Hoe you are feeling better! Chrisx 30
