Wednesday, 7 August 2019


Hello from a still sweltering Mojacar, yes temperatures are still very high and unbearable and I am beginning to wilt. Thank goodness for fans and air con. It becomes a fight who gets in front of the fan - the dog, the cat or me. 
The cat won this one.
Tuesday evenings desk is wow tidy, yes I was getting annoyed because I couldn't find things, so now from top left we have pencil crayons etc, Christmas papers, stickers, stamped items some coloured in some not, boards and cutting items, work board and scissors, etc. the black in the top corner is my clip on light with day light bulb, have found it better for working at night rather than the four overhead ceiling lights adding to the temperatures.

So this week I have been working on more 'C' cards and also two birthday cards for my friends grandsons - one football and the other kick boxing.

I am off to the knitting/sewing group this morning, these last few weeks there has only been about 5 of us, most of the others go back to the UK because they can't stand the heat of the summer. Today it will take me 10 mins to drive there but about 45 mins to get back home because at 9.30 the holiday makers are still in bed  but by 12.30 they are all out on the roads. We only have one road through Mojacar that is along the coast and everyone is looking for somewhere to park to go down to the beach. At least there are no parking charges here - yet!

So now to link with Julia at and see everyone elses desks this Wednesday morning.


  1. hope you enjoy your knitting/sewing group - and that there is air con... I could never knit in hot weather as my hands got too sticky. Luckily our extreme heat has dipped... we're getting gales and rain for the end of the week! Great cards. Helen #2

  2. Morning Ani, that heat sounds lovely when it is cold and miserable, but when it goes on and on, it can become unbearable. Hope your fans can be shared evenly, so that you can get a go sometimes.
    Enjoy your knitting,
    Chris #6

  3. Hope it cools down for you soon Ann. Barney looks particularly fed up with the weather. Enjoy your knitting club. Great cards too. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  4. While you’re baking in the heat think of us poor souls in north west uk dodging the latest downpour. Not good for the hair. Crikey pass me a brolly quick
    Lynn x 9

  5. Good Morning Ani. Glad to hear that some of us are getting good weather. Its been a terrible week here with a mixture of weather, mostly torrential rain. Love your cards, at least your desk is tidy compared to mine. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Nice cards for the teenagers! I don't envy you this temps at all - it's gone back down to about 23 here and it's lovely!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  7. Enjoy your Knitting/sewing group Ani. I hope the heat turns down a notch for you and Barney soon. The weather has been extremely unpredictable here.
    Those football boots are very cute..
    Happy WoywW Tracey #8

  8. Happy WOYWDW
    I could not stand the heat either Gook luck with it, Two great cards,

    Lilian B #16

  9. Hi Ani, I don't know how you cope with those temperatures, I can understand people coming back to the UK!Love the cards, great job with those. Smiling at the cat lay in front of the fan. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  10. Good for you for finding ways to cope with the heat! I have a fan on me all night and actually curl up in blankets, so cozy! It is probably tougher on the cat and dog because they have a fur coat they can't take off! Your cards to your friend's Grandsons are lovely! Have a great week, hopefully it will cool off a bit. Lindart #23

  11. UGH the heat! It's been bad here too and my air conditioning bill is getting high, but we have to have it on. I love the two cards! Dorlene #24

  12. Hi Ani, I feel for you. I am not a lover of hot weather and pleased it's cooled down here. Still, you are managing to do some crafting so well done. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela xXx

  13. I love the image of you all fighting for the fan! The cards are brilliant - I always struggle to do boy themed cards so am impressed with these. Take care and have a good week. With love & God Bless, Caro x #12

  14. Sorry I’m late! It’s a wonder you have the energy to do card making, even in the slightly cooler evenings, good for you! Great cards too, not the sort of stuff I end up abandoning when uncomfortable! Haven’t been to Mojacar (you’d know if we had, she threatened), but I totally get it about the traffic, must be tiresome having to allow so long, specially when your trying to factor in appointments and such"

  15. It's been hot around here too, so I'm thankful to have AC and a Swimming Pool. I love your cards for your friend's grandkids, especially the one with the soccer/football. Happy belated WOYWW! #26
