Wednesday 9 February 2022

WOYWW 662 9th February 2022

 Many apologies ladies but I have been AWOL no excuses just don't know where the days go.

I have been busy but with knitting and crocheting and sat by the fire as it has been so cold here in Spain. I think this winter has been the coldest in over 20 years I have lived here and having no central heating I tend to sit in one room by the fire!

My friend asked me to knit a dog coat for her little Maltese terrier she had the red one but needed another. So with alot of counting etc I managed to do the pink one.

I am also crocheting two blankets one being the Attic 24 Meadow blanket. Sorry photo next time.

It has also been harvest time for my oranges and grapefruits, the problem is they are all ready together and also when they are cheap on the markets and in supermarkets. Mine taste better though. 

That is me for today a short write up. Even if I don't contribute I still read what you have been up to.



  1. Such sweet little dog coats Ani, your friend must have the best dressed Maltese terrier in the area! The oranges look delicious - I guess you will be busy making marmalade? Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #8

  2. OOh I can just imagine the taste of those oranges, my favourite fruit I think. Very abundant harvest there Ann, how many trees have you?air won’t use them up, but treat yourself to an orange drizzle cake, so much nicer than the lemon!! The dog coats are wonderful, gosh when you’ve got a Barney, I expect making them that small felt quite bizarre!

  3. Such a sweet dog coat! Your oranges look lovely.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13

  4. Hi Ani. Short is good for me as I like to try and get round everyone if I can. The little dog coats are beautiful and no wonder the lady wanted another. The oranges look lovely and juicy. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  5. I always layer up in this weather, three at least. I've just counted - four layers and two scarves today!! the scarf keeps the back of my neck warm. I do have central heating but can't afford to have it one except when the grandchildren come . . . .
    I love Attic24 designs, the way she works them out and shares what she's found on the web, so delightful.
    making marmalade? or orange jam as PJ called it.
    Have a good week
    Christine #17

  6. The little dog coat is lovely and those oranges look delicious! Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  7. Happy WOYWW. People are always surprised at how cold it can get in Spain. We used to mainly travel to the Costa Blanca in winter, so always insisted that where we rented had central heating, plus a fire in the living room (and lots of blankets!). I never minded when the sun came up in the day and then we could sit outside to eat lunch. Much better than the grey/damp days in the UK. Having your own oranges and grapefruit must be wonderful. Ali x #19

  8. Nice to see you here and with all those oranges. What are you going to do with the all - make marmalade? Or are they not the right kind for that.
    Love the doggie coats, very umarket for the dogs who will be longing to be shown around town in their new outfits.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  9. What fab dog coats Ani. Hope it warms up a bit for you soon. I bet those oranges make lovey fresh juice and marmalade too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #14

  10. great dog coats! it ust be odd feeling cold when you get so used to not being cold! enjoy the oranges - that's a lot to get through! Helen #24

  11. Cute dog coat and great harvest! Have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #17

  12. Hi Ani, cute coats for the dogs. Home grown produce always tastes better! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2

  13. Lovely crochet projects. Those oranges look good. I love oranges. Sharon #25

  14. Hi Ani, the dig coat is beautiful. Any little dog would look fab in it. I'm a fan of Attic 24 and did start making a blanket with one of her patterns some time ago. I've yet to complete it but I remain ever hopeful of picking it up again in the future. Your oranges harvest looks amazing. You will get plenty of marmalade made with those. Hope the weather warms up for you soon. Elizabeth x #22

  15. Fab cables! They will keep the little guy toasty and warm for sure. I would love to have an orange tree - or better yet, a lemon one - in the yard. So wonderful to wander out and pluck fruit off a tree.Have fun turning them into something wondeful - and share the recipe LOL!

    Late again . . . but so very VAXED :)
    Mary Anne (3)
