Wednesday 24 October 2018


Good morning everyone.
I feel as I am playing catch up so much to do because of my long summer vacation from the craft world.

As you can see I am still working on the triangle Christmas trees am aiming for at least 10 to be finished by the first fair on 24th November.

Wonder if anyone can help please I am looking to make some fabric advent calenders but cannot think of an easy way to do the numbers on the pockets. I don't have any number dies and have tried stamping them on but this is not successful. So any comments will be gratefully received. Remember I live in an area of Spain where craft shops and almost any other shops apart from tourist tat are to hand. Also cannot always guarantee the postal/courier service.

Well that's me for today short and sweet am now off to my sewing/knitting group.


  1. Can't help with the trees I'm afraid and my suggestion for the numbers, which I have used, is to print them out from your PC. Using Word just type in the numbers you need, enlarge to the right size, print and cut out. I use this method on cards.
    Hope this helps, have a good week
    Christine #15

  2. Hi Ani, I'm sure Wipso will have some advice for you, I'm wondering if you could hand cut them from felt and glue them on? Or could you try permanent markers? Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz X #4

  3. Can you get Bondaweb or the equivalent in Spain? That's what I use if I have to appliqué something intricate. Hope you work something out as the advent calendar is lovely!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

  4. Hi Ani, maybe some felt numbers if you have some added with glue? The trees look fabulous so I hope you find a way. Sarah #3

  5. hope you sort the numbers, as it is looking good so far! Helen #1

  6. Hi Ani, maybe felt numbers, or a stencil and permanent marker. Or if you are feeling patient, possibly pencil the numbers on, and cross stitch over them. I'll look forward to seeing what you do. Have a lovely week Heather x #8

  7. I think the felt numbers are a good idea or just embroider them on. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x11x

  8. I was thinking of a marker too to add the numbers, or maybe stamp with acrylic paint? (with a stamp or through a stencil...) That usually works for me, good luck! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #19

  9. Your triangle Christmas tree is looking lovely. I can only think of writing the numbers on to buttons and then sewing them on if you didn't want to write directly onto the fabric. Or else what about printing thick numbers onto card, cutting them out and gluing them on with fabric glue? Not much help I'm afraid, but I'll look forward to seeing what you do.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17

  10. Hi Ani, I was wondering if you had access to any rice paper? If so you could stamp onto it and decoupage the numbers onto the fabric with a watered down glue solution. The button idea is fab.
    Hope you find a happy solution soon.
    Best wishes & happy woyww Tracey #5
