Wednesday 7 March 2018


Good morning all sorry I was absent last week, I honestly don't know where the week went.

My work table (paste table) this week contains doggy bandanas. A call came from the local dog rescue asking for the person who made the bandanas could they make some more. So I have cut out about 20 and began by sewing the red ones. Using the over locker makes things a lot easier and quicker. Nothing much more to report on the work desk apart from a drink made from what looks like bits of broken bark translates on the packet 'sweet fruit'. I am always on the look out for different drinks, I don't drink tea or fizzy drinks so apart from no more than 2-3 coffees a day I drink water. It can become very boring.

My other photo this week is of course QC she is sat under a new light I purchased a few weeks ago and believe it or not she has discovered by tapping her paw on the base the light goes on and off. Cats I don't believe it, it's not as though she is a kitten she is 13 years old.

This next week I am going to have to make another batch of cards as the Dames in Spain (similar to WI) have asked if I can supply them with cards to sell. I have never made for selling before so may have to up my game.

I have a busy rest of the week, sewing/knitting group this morning, then on to a church soup lunch. Tomorrow is International Women's Day and the Dames in Spain are hosting a posh lunch, four of us are giving an accounts of women who have made a difference to the world, still have to do mine. Then Friday I am going to see a lady who belonged to our church and is now in a home where she is the only English person, she doesn't speak Spanish so feels very isolated with not even English TV. Pity I don't know how to put some English programmes onto DVD's as she has a DVD player.

I think Saturday may be a free day but Sunday my friend and I are going to our sister church, then on to a local amateur theatre production of JB Priestley's When we are married in the afternoon. There is not much chance to see theatre productions here especially in English.

To end two pictures from FB the first one is amazing, well at least I think so.

And this on is a funny, hope none of you have seen him looking through the car window this past week.

Now to link up with our host of WOYWW Julia


  1. your link seems to take me to my blogger home page... not sure how that is happening! whether it is me or how you've linked... sounds as if you will be busy all week, with your bandanas and other trips to look forward to . Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Yay I managed to get here eventually. The first link took me to my blogger page and I got security warnings for the other two. I went via last week's link eventually. Margaret is probably the best person for ideas for making cards to sell. Enjoy the theatre visit and good luck with your talk.
    Sarah #10

  3. I've deleted your links and added you again and it seems to be holding, but you're a different number, sorry! I have a few DVDs that I can happily send to you for your friend; we tend to watch them once and then never again and have been slowly getting shot of them. PLease let me know if I can! The trick with making cards to sell is not to be offended if they don't's very difficult coming up with a universal style! I wonder who you'll pick for your Dames In Spain lunch...plenty of good women to choose from, lucky us!

  4. Happy WOYWW. Sounds like you are going to be extra-busy with all the crafty requests, and of course all your other activities. We haven't even bought a property in Spain yet (back at the end of April to look at more), but already made more friends there and got groups lined up to join than I do in the UK! Ali x #23 (I think, it keeps changing!)

  5. Hope you let us know your chosen Lady for the Dames speech next week. Hope it all goes well for you.
    Sounds as if you are busy - I would look at the style of the Spanish commercial cards and then decide what to try out. Simple may be best.
    What a clever cat you have, it looks as if the base is about to be pressed right now. Love it!
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx
    ps it worked on the ceiling!

  6. Afternoon Ani. I also had trouble getting here - but seems Julia has well and truly fixed it now! Mrs D had problems today getting to my site... maybe something going on in the ether!!! Well done on being asked to make your cards to sell. Trust you really enjoy making them. It's a real privilege. All those dog bits, too - your name is getting well known!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  7. Hi Ani, blimey, you are busy!Laughing at QC here- aren't cats so clever? remember, in cards, everyones taste is different, so don't struggle trying to please everyone. Just make what makes you happy. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxX

  8. I'm so glad the doggy bandannas are going well - I've supplied our local animal charity shop with some as they're so quick to run up. Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  9. Hi Ani, no rest for you .... bandanas, cards, speech to prep for your posh lunch! I stared at the picture 3 times before it worked. Yes, amazing! Have a lovely week Heather x #13

  10. Hi Ani, busy lady. I had to smile at the polar bear but glad it's not my car he's looking in Lol! Have a great woyww and a lovely creative week, Angela x18x
