Saturday 25 April 2015

Oh dear another month has passed, so what have I been doing this month. Well it seems to have been a month of computer and paperwork. Hopefully all is now in order and I can relax a little. 
This past week I have had two Annual General Meetings - one for the church and another for the Dames in Spain. 
As far as the Dames one is concerned I am only a just a member so no work there.
The Church is completely different as I held/hold the position of secretary, but fortunately I am hoping to split the work and have handed over one job as the church minutes secretary and hope the council will agree to this and I shall become the chaplaincy secretary. Here in Spain it takes an age to get official things done, and especially with an organisation, when you are about to sign documents you find the official signatories could have changed owing to a change of position after a year.

I am still hoping to find more (or perhaps I should say some) time to return to my handicrafts. I really must get down to card making as stock is very depleted, and not one Christmas card remains in the stock box.
I have managed to keep the stock going of 'The cross in my Pocket' and seem to sell about 5 a week. I usually make two a night if I happen to sit and watch TV. (Can't watch TV and not do anything or I will fall asleep).
I have also some blanket squares to sew together and I want to knit some little bags that I have seen on the Fish and Chip Babies facebook page. 

Tomorrow I am off to a restaurant for a cookery demo afterwards our lunch is the demonstration goodies! 
Then on Tuesday it is our 'flutterkickers' lunch. This is a group of women who during the summer months do pool exercises, well certainly mouth exercises in the pool! So when the season comes to an end we meet monthly for a lunch, this we find keeps the group together in the winter months.

My friends Terri and Peter are here from the Gambia this week it is so good to see them after so long. Peter was saying he needed to lose some weight and I said likewise so starting on Wednesday we are in competition. I would dearly love to lose at least 20 kilos but I think that is unrealistic so anything would be great. Whatever I lose will only benefit my health and perhaps reduce the pain from my hip. I am looking to go walking every day as the form of exercise. So wish me luck.

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